Finals are gonna get me!!!!!!
Published on January 15, 2004 By djny In Misc
OK. This week is the week of finals and I am totally stressed out. Everyday so far my mother has decided to argue with me about my choice of clothing for the day and it has really pissed me off. Then this morning I didn't have time to eat breakfast before I came to school. So right now I am so hungry and the school isn't serving food so all I have is the crap my parents are forcing me to eat. 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a soft orange that has been in the refrigerator for over 2 weeks.

Anyway, then when I was coming to school I saw my sociology teacher's truck (a really nice truck). I almost cried. It had a FOR SALE sign on it. It's only got 17,000 miles and its a 2002 Ford F-150 F-series 4X4. Its a bright red with a chrome strip around the bottom.

Finals are torture. I wouldn't have to take them except that my photography teacher has a thing against me and marks me tardy like almost everyday and I got after-school detention and therefore have to take all of my finals. Today its Photography, Orchestra, and English 12. Tomorrow's are French 2, Gym, and Drama. Yesterday was Economics.

My next semester is a great array of classes too. I have Government, Sociology, Orchestra, English 12, a free period, and Aviation. Aviation is a block class and I have to have a free period in order to take it. The votech classes are on a different schedule and the bus picks me up during 5th period and the school doesn't want us to miss class to go to another class. That is kinda stupid if ya ask me.

Not much else going on. Chanukah was great but my parents celebrate Christmas. That got kind of stressful.

So long for now.

Love ya'll,

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